LAB_2. Contador hexadecimal módulo 14
Se utilizaron los primeros 4 switches para ingresar el valor deseado y se visusalizaron directamente en los 4 displays sin distinción, es decir en todos los displays se visualizó el valor ingresado en todo momento.
The second lab consisted in making the desing of a hexadecimal counter, based on "j-k" type flip-flops, and also introducing the combinational part, correspondent to the counter´s module just to truncate it.
we used the firsts four switches to enter the desired value, and they were visualized simultaneously on the displays all time with no distintion.
2) Then we created a new schematic module where the counter (0 to 14) based on "j-k" flip-flops was designed and also we did the respective decodificatión all that to be visualized on the four displays
LAB_2. Entorno de xilinx
1) Reutilizamos el bcd hexadecimal del laboratorio anterior y se creo un esquemático a partir de este
1) we reuse the previous laboratory (hexadecimal BCD) and also we created a schematic module from this
2) Se creo un nuevo módulo esquematico donde se diseño el contador con flip flops j-k truncado en 14 (b'1110'), y se hizo la respectiva decodificacion , para la visualización en los displays.
2) Then we created a new schematic module where the counter (0 to 14) based on "j-k" flip-flops was designed and also we did the respective decodificatión all that to be visualized on the four displays
gracias por la info :D Me sirvió bastante